Andy Schor is running for his third term as Lansing’s Mayor. He is proud of his accomplishments working for the people of Lansing, serving as an Ingham County Commissioner, State Representative, and now Mayor.
In these roles, prior to serving as Mayor, he worked as a Legislative Director in the Michigan Senate and House of Representatives and as the Assistant Director for State and Federal Affairs for the Michigan Municipal League.
As an Ingham County Commissioner, Schor served four terms advocating on behalf of city issues and helped establish the Ingham County Land Bank.
As a State Representative, Schor was able to accomplish much despite serving in the minority. He led the effort for the House Democrats, and worked with both sides of the aisle, to make Michigan the only Republican-controlled state to pass Medicaid Expansion. As a result, Michigan now has over 1 million people that have health care.
He worked with Republicans and Democrats to reform K-12 Zero Tolerance legislation, returning local control to rural, urban, and suburban school districts and ensuring our young people can continue to get an education after making innocent mistakes. Schor passed legislation to create jobs and economic development opportunities, including providing needed dollars for creation and expansion of neighborhood and commercial grocery stores in areas lacking healthy foods. He worked with the business community and local governments to pass his bi-partisan legislation that reformed the personal property tax. Schor also passed bi-partisan legislation that gives people more options to help vote, such as using a signature stamp if they cannot sign their name due to illness or incapacity.
As Mayor of Lansing, Andy Schor has worked with a wide range of people to get things done for the residents of Lansing. He worked with businesses and neighbors on the needs of all residents - including clean neighborhoods, great parks and recreation options, fixing as many roads and bridges as possible with the money we receive from the state, support for our schools and youth, jobs through economic development, social service assistance for those in need, and many other areas. He has helped to create housing for all incomes, from workforce rental housing to market-rate rental housing, and stand-alone housing for families. And he has taken on long-standing issues of racial justice by making changes to city policies to ensure equity and equality, and engaging city and regional leaders to create a Racial Justice and Equity Plan for the City of Lansing.
Under Schor’s leadership Lansing has grown significantly even through a pandemic, with approximately $2 billion in new investment from projects both completed and in progress. Lansing was named the number one affordable city to live in the United States based on high quality of life and low cost of living, as well as one of the top cities to live in after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Andy Schor believes in public service, and that elected officials need to work in a bi-partisan or non-partisan way to get things done for people and communities. He believes that “Lansing’s Time is Now,” that our great city will continue to build on its progress while also being so proud of who we are today. He currently serves as National Co-Chair for the Mayors Against Illegal Guns and Everytown for Gun Safety, Accelerator of America Board, the U.S. Conference of Mayors advisory board, the Lansing Promise Board, Co-Chair of the National Gun Safety Consortium, and the City of Lansing Employees and Police and Fire Retirement System Board of Trustees.
Andy and his wife, Erin, have raised their family here and have lived in Lansing for nearly 30 years. Their children attended the Lansing School District, both graduating from Lansing Everett High School. Andy graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, earning a Bachelor of Arts degrees in political science and history.